Welcome to the Mindset on Resilience Podcast hosted by Daniel Truelove Jr.

The goal of each episode is to learn how to overcome adversity through the resilience journey of educators, administrators, and thought leaders. These dynamic conversations will help you cultivate the mindset and resilience necessary to persevere through any circumstance.

How To Stop Overthinking And Start Taking Action | Ep. 001

In Episode 001 of Mindset on Resilience, Adam Welcome delivers a Masterclass on getting out of your own way. As an international speaker, author, podcaster, and former principal, he reveals key principles that are pivotal to perseverance in education and life. Tune in to hear more on how you can stop overanalyzing and move forward. 

How To Grow From Resistance To Resilience | Ep. 002

In Episode 2 of Mindset on Resilience, Joseph Eatmon Sr. takes us on his life journey full of transitions. A former McDonald’s All-American who was under-recruited, and at one point decided to give up on basketball. A pickup game began a wave of transitions that led him to become a collegiate head coach. He’s now the Dean of a college after a successful coaching career. Tune in to hear more about how you can embrace transitions in life. 

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Untold Teaching Truths | Ep. 003

In Episode 3 of Mindset on Resilience, Katie Kinder paints a vivid picture of the challenges educators experience with her Untold Teaching Truths. As an educator in the 3rd most violent neighborhood in Oklahoma City, thriving is a matter of collaboration, vulnerability, and relating to students before educating them. As a speaker, author, and educator, she shares these Teaching Truths so others can become resilient educators. 

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How Educators Can Reach Students Beyond The Classroom | Ep. 004

In Episode 4 of Mindset on Resilience, Mr. Tony Reddick showcases the heart of a servant leader. The former Superintendent of Gadsden City schools, served as a mentor and taught ACT preparatory classes while in that role. Even though he’s retired, he’s still serving “his kids” and their families. Tune in to hear how educators can embrace a “these are my kids too” mindset to reach students.

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The "Secret Sauce" To Changing Your Schools Climate & Culture | Ep. 005

In Episode 5 of Mindset on Resilience, Dr. Greg Moore reveals the “Secret Sauce” to his Tiger Code recipe. A recipe so good, he was named 2024 Secondary Principal of the Year in Alabama. Tune in to hear the award-winning principal discuss his process of changing the climate and culture of his school to become Tiger Code Champs.

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Keys To Leading A Turnaround School | Ep. 006

In Episode 6 of Mindset on Resilience, Dr. Jessica Constant gives us the inside scoop on the life, sacrifices, and expectations needed to be a Turnaround Principal. As a child, she promised to be a turnaround agent if she could find success in life. As a teacher, that promise was fulfilled as she transformed the academic and behavioral patterns of an all-boys classroom. Defying the odds in the classroom, prepared her for the challenging opportunity of changing the climate and culture of a failing school. Tune in to have your hope restored that educators make a difference, and change is indeed possible.

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Changing The Narrative | Ep. 007

In Episode 7 of Mindset on Resilience, Charles Williams speaks on the counter narrative needed to change the way we talk and think about education. Some of the current narratives don’t accurately portray the positive impact of their staff, students, and communities. Tune in to this episode to hear a transparent conversation about Changing The Narrative.

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The Missing Pieces to School Transformation | Ep. 008

In Episode 8 of Mindset on Resilience, Dr. Lucretia Prince reveals the missing pieces she added to be recognized twice as a Model School, and a School of Character. This visionary educator shifted the environment of an elementary and middle school in two years or less. Tune in to hear the dynamic speaker, author, and proud principal solve the climate and culture puzzle.

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No Isn’t The End, It’s Your Next Opportunity | Ep. 009

In Episode 9 of Mindset on Resilience, Amber Moss reminds us that there’s no such thing as a missed opportunity. Our resilience journey begins with how we respond to hearing “No” when we expect to hear “Yes”. No is temporary; it doesn’t define your worth, and there’s something better for you on the other side. Tune in to this episode to hear the NBCT educator, and two-time Grammy music educator semifinalist prepare us for what’s next in life.

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You Are Your Greatest Possibilities | Ep. 010

In Episode 010 of Mindset on Resilience, Dr. Lillie Lewis shares her insights on getting in the trenches with the schools she serves as the Coordinator of Curriculum & Instruction. Ensuring every student is successful, empowering individuals to rise above their circumstances and embrace their greatest possibilities. Tune in to hear how her passion and purpose make a difference in the lives of her students.

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Leadership Requires Vision | Ep. 011

In Episode 011 of Mindset on Resilience, Dr. David Scott speaks about being a leader with vision. Hear how he became a visionary leader as a principal and now Director of Curriculum & Instruction, always empowering others to embrace their "why". Tune in for a conversation filled with wisdom, inspiration, and advice for aspiring leaders.

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Maximize Your N.O.W. - No Opportunity Wasted | Ep. 012

In Episode 012 of Mindset on Resilience, Dr. Stephen Hammock joined us to share his passion for maximizing every opportunity and creating a school culture of collective impact. Listen in as Dr. Hammock shares the importance of not wasting experiences, fostering a school culture of 'we over me', and making a continuous and meaningful impact in the lives of students and the communities we're part of.

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